
website / greasyfork / github

mass delete all discord messages from any dm or channel

how to use


download a userscripts manager (eg. ViolentMonkey)

Note: Chrome users: ViolentMonkey is unsupported due to extension Manifest V2 deprecation. A temporary workaround is needed: steps to allow legacy extension manifest version flag


  1. download this script from GreasyFork or the JS file here
  2. open discord in the browser
  3. enable script
  4. open the dm or channel where you want to delete the messages
  5. press the new trash icon in top right-hand corner
  6. press all the blue get buttons in the popup
  7. configure options (default: all)
  8. press green start button
  9. wait for it to finish (can take many hours!)
  10. prevent automatically sleeping on power adapter (optional -> see note below)
  11. rerun a few more times to delete any skipped messages (quicker than first time)

Note: I recommend you skim through the entire chat to confirm if all messages are deleted. If not simply re-run until all done (sorry this is a bug - its not perfect, but still better than manually deleting single msgs imo)

  1. re-enable allowing computer to sleep (optional -> see note below)
  2. done! - you can disable the userscript until the next time you need it

Note: you only need to prevent sleep if you have a lot of messages to delete and/or will likely not be using your computer the whole time (ie. display turns off and computer sleeps) (instructions for macOS, please google and share for other OS)


self-explanatory. refer to the forked wiki if you need more info

find message ids by right-clicking them
adjust delay in ms to test for optimal deletion rate



default popup

options selected

sample options for dm - here i pressed the get buttons, selected date range and adjusted the delete delay with screenshot mode


this is what it looks like right after pressing start. total number of messages to delete (might be slightly inaccurate due to system messages)

configured popup

while running (ratelimited)

when rate limited, might only delete 1-3 messages are between short delays. The script adjusts the delete api call delays according to response (usually 0.5 - 2 ms) screenshot ratelimited

while running for dms (not ratelimited)

when not being ratelimited, it goes pretty fast. screenshot not ratelimited

bug - miscalculating deleted percent

bug where percent deleted exceeds or below 100% – i think it might be off by ~1000s of messages. you can see the datetime of the latest messages deleted and estimate how many are left since the beginning / end of your messaging history until this is fixed bug deleted percentage

bug - done

once all messages are found and deleted, the script will end automatically. I recommend you press start again to delete any messages it missed - not sure why this happens, but its only a small percent that get missed finished

bug - rerun

only few 100s of messages were found the 2nd time, idk im paranoid so, run it few more times just in case! rerun

0 messages left

after rerunning obsessively, it’ll eventually get to 0. I recommend you skim through the entire chat to confirm. 0 left


I didn’t test all the features so, read up on it in wiki and use at your own risk the following features:


I’ll accept easy to review changes (eg. few lines of code & test screenshots) or steps (screenshots) on how to make it work for other browser / OS.

I don’t plan to maintain this regularly, but I can confirm it works as of this initial upload date. I might have to update it the next time I send a lot of regrettable message to someone. If victornpb/undiscord becomes active again, I’ll likely cherry-pick commits into this fork to have my own copy.


this is an active fork of victornpb/undiscord which hasn’t been updated in over a year, so i forked it to fix small bugs. I’ve only fixed the bugs that made the script pause or quit prematurely - i didn’t add any new features.

If this ever breaks, I recommend you first check out:

privacy policy

i adhere to the original creator’s Privacy Policy

discord explicity prohibits the use of unauthorized third-party scripts through their TOS. so, usage of this script can result in consequences such as account suspension, bans, etc. personally haven’t had issues but, please use at your own risk.